I must be getting better because I actually made chocolate chip cookies today and didn't burn any of them. I also made 2 pumpkin rolls (yum) and 2 more batches of rice krispie treats. Nathan got to pick sprinkles to put on those rice krispie treats so now we have blue ones and red/green ones. Very colorful treats!
My sister and brother-in-law came to town tonight so let the festivities begin! Tomorrow my kids and grandkids all come. It will be a wonderful family gathering. My only regret is that my mother couldn't come. She is older and afraid of traveling in the bad weather we are expected to get so she cancelled her trip. She will stay in Memphis with my Aunt Jean where it's warm and toasty! I know they'll enjoy their time together.
I got our beagle a new plush doggie bed for Christmas and she hasn't come out of it since (just kidding of course!) She does love it though. Kristi came today and we filled all of the stockings and wrapped the rest of the gifts. As they say, I am ready for Christmas now.
It's so late but I'm watching Narnia- Prince Caspian tonight. You know how hard it is to turn off the TV in the middle of a good movie! Sooo, I have a pot of coffee and a laptop and I'm taking advantage of the quiet before everyone gets here tomorrow.
A very Merry Christmas to you all!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!
Well, the weather outside is frightful,
but the fire is so delightful.
And since there's no place to go-
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
We are expecting snow tomorrow, just in time for Christmas. I feel sorry for everyone who has to travel tomorrow. I know it will be a mess in the midwest and probably lots of other places.
All I have left to do is bake cookies. I made fudge yesterday but it didn't set up. My husband was delighted as he loves fudge sauce on his ice cream and now he has an ample supply! We even joked when I made the fudge that if it didn't set up, he got it! I think he jinxed me!
I have to admit that I'm not the best cook anymore. Years ago I was a great cook but as I got busy and I didn't cook much, I lost the touch. Maybe it's the desire more than the touch. A few years ago I tried to make 2 coconut pies for Christmas dinner. The first batch burned as I had the heat too high and walked away for "just a moment". You know how that goes! Anyway, I was disgusted and started over. The pan was beyond repair at the time and I think it took weeks of soaking and boiling water to get the black off. The second batch went fine and I added the mix to a purchased graham cracker crust. The minute I picked it up to carry it into the dining room to cool, the foil pan buckled and the entire messy pie covered my carpet. I was so upset, I cried. I just wasn't meant to have coconut pie that year. I'm a little more careful these days in carrying food around over carpet!
I have the ingredients to make coconut pie this year but the memories are still quite painful. I might opt for coconut cake this year instead. I am making pumpkin rolls today along with a few varieties of cookies. If I can get them done without burning a pan, I'll be doing good!

Meanwhile, Patrick has found a new favorite toy. He is enjoying the plastic ornaments I have in a glass basket on the coffee table.

I just painted two of my bathrooms recently and redecorated them. I did a flower arrangement for my new pink bathroom. What do you think? I have a lot of off white shabby chic in there and it's so feminine now. I won't let the boys use it!
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
It's Very, Very Cold Outside!
Well, I've finally started to think about Christmas shopping. I have a whole 1-1/2 weeks to do it so that should be enough. We're going light this year as most Americans, I suppose.
I had the girls over last week to make stockings for everyone we were missing and now I just need to fill them. The decorating is done and the house is organized. I stocked up on candy canes. All I have left to do is shop I guess.
Sarah and David took Grace to a Holiday concert this week and got their picture
taken so I thought I'd share. Nathan and Patrick were also over. Patrick is finally a Nana's boy. He doesn't normally like anyone but mom and dad but somehow, I won him over. Finally. Now he follows me around with his arms raised to be held. What a joy- he's such a cutie! Nathan will be 3 in two weeks. My, how fast those babies grow. This Christmas will be pretty special for all of us.

By the way, Grace saw the Salvation Army volunteer at the store ringing the bell the other day and Sarah explained to her about why we give money to them. The next time they went, Grace donated a dollar from her piggy bank for what she called "kids that didn't have homes." Sarah was raking the leaves later that day and she said that Grace stood on the porch ringing the wind chimes for a good half hour yelling "stop and give money for kids." Someday she'll be a bellringer I guess!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Lions, Tigers & Bears- Oh My!
I talked to my neighbor yesterday - she called with alarming news. We have a mountain lion in our neighborhood. Wow, that's hard to imagine. It's not like I live in Colorado or Wyoming. This is Missouri, you know, the Midwest , with homes and farms everywhere. I knew there were black bears in Missouri and I guess I knew there were mountain lions but who knew they were within a mile?
It's pretty creepy really. Another neighbor has found two dogs that were killed and the remains of a deer with a huge cat paw print nearby. I think he is going to set out bait to photograph the animal. You can't shoot mountain lions in MO, they are protected. Our Conservation Dept has released breeding pairs in past years and I think they have collars on to monitor them. I know they mostly eat deer but I seem to be creeped out now going outside after dark, not knowing what is lurking out there.
We have a miniature beagle but she is a tough little thing and I don't worry too much about her. She chases away even large dogs and coyotes- she got plenty of experience at our last farm. She is a cow girl so to speak. During the day, she hangs out with the cows across the road. When there are calves, she breaks them in with play! She probably thinks she's a short cow. She even cuddles and naps with them on occasion. Hopefully the big cat won't mess with her or the calves.
It's pretty creepy really. Another neighbor has found two dogs that were killed and the remains of a deer with a huge cat paw print nearby. I think he is going to set out bait to photograph the animal. You can't shoot mountain lions in MO, they are protected. Our Conservation Dept has released breeding pairs in past years and I think they have collars on to monitor them. I know they mostly eat deer but I seem to be creeped out now going outside after dark, not knowing what is lurking out there.
We have a miniature beagle but she is a tough little thing and I don't worry too much about her. She chases away even large dogs and coyotes- she got plenty of experience at our last farm. She is a cow girl so to speak. During the day, she hangs out with the cows across the road. When there are calves, she breaks them in with play! She probably thinks she's a short cow. She even cuddles and naps with them on occasion. Hopefully the big cat won't mess with her or the calves.
There is one calf over there right now that's black and white. It looks like a goat from a distance but I saw it in the road last week and it's definitely a calf! Those calves like to sneak under fencing for the better grass near the road.
On a lighter note, I am all decorated for Christmas. I have a few sewing needs this week to finish before we have lots of company for Christmas. My husband has a
really old favorite rocking chair. You know, the kind you keep in the basement and normally don't let people see. Well, he decided he wanted to plant it in the guest room so he can read in there at night. I found some great fabric that matches my curtains in there and I'm going to cover the cushions. I doubt he'll even notice but I will! Isn't it pretty?
We've been busy redoing the bathroom fixtures and painting. New faucets, lights, towel racks, it really looks pretty good. Next year I hope to change out the sinks. It's too close to the holiday for that much of a mess for me. It can wait for now.

really old favorite rocking chair. You know, the kind you keep in the basement and normally don't let people see. Well, he decided he wanted to plant it in the guest room so he can read in there at night. I found some great fabric that matches my curtains in there and I'm going to cover the cushions. I doubt he'll even notice but I will! Isn't it pretty?

We've been busy redoing the bathroom fixtures and painting. New faucets, lights, towel racks, it really looks pretty good. Next year I hope to change out the sinks. It's too close to the holiday for that much of a mess for me. It can wait for now.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Black Friday
Dishes are done. House is cleaned. Leftovers in the frig. I even have a pot of navy bean soup cooking in the crock pot for tonight. The turkey was good, my husband cooked it this year. I got the tree put up last evening but the lights didn't work so what's a girl to do? Toss them and shop for new ones. I went out to Wal-Mart last night looking for LCD lights for the tree and they had none. Imagine- not a LCD package in sight. So, I headed to Michaels. I got 2 packages of 100 lights each. We'll see if that's enough to make the tree glow!
I'm excited to decorate the tree this year- our first Christmas in this new house. I opened a box with my nativity set and found quite a surprise. Apparently, I haven't set up my nativity set for a few years, 6 years to be exact.
The last year I put it out was when we lived in Iowa and I moved from Iowa in 1994. I have been looking for our Christmas stockings for about 6 years and I found them in the box with the nativity set. I now have an additional son-in-law and daughter-in-law plus f
ive grandchildren. I guess I have a few more stockings to make. I also found a great tree skirt I'd made and completely forgot about. Another duh moment for me! It's great though and I'll be using it from now on.
I hand painted the nativity set around 1985. I had a kiln and taught ceramics in those days and I love to paint. My husband went deer hunting that year and took my two small children to my mom's for the weekend. I was in Heaven! I painted all night long and never slept that weekend. I was determined to get it done before they returned and I did. A few years later I painted a second set for my mom. I've been moving the set around for these 25 years and it's held up pretty well. I am finally putting it out on display this year.

I'm headed out soon to do a bit of shopping. (I'm out of creamer so I can't have coffee until I shop anyway!) Starbucks, here I come! I'm looking forward to a little Christmas shopping. I've studied the ads, made my lists and checked them twice, so to speak. I'm headed to Penney's for a few more of those great blankets to start. Have a great Friday!
I'm excited to decorate the tree this year- our first Christmas in this new house. I opened a box with my nativity set and found quite a surprise. Apparently, I haven't set up my nativity set for a few years, 6 years to be exact.
The last year I put it out was when we lived in Iowa and I moved from Iowa in 1994. I have been looking for our Christmas stockings for about 6 years and I found them in the box with the nativity set. I now have an additional son-in-law and daughter-in-law plus f

I hand painted the nativity set around 1985. I had a kiln and taught ceramics in those days and I love to paint. My husband went deer hunting that year and took my two small children to my mom's for the weekend. I was in Heaven! I painted all night long and never slept that weekend. I was determined to get it done before they returned and I did. A few years later I painted a second set for my mom. I've been moving the set around for these 25 years and it's held up pretty well. I am finally putting it out on display this year.

I'm headed out soon to do a bit of shopping. (I'm out of creamer so I can't have coffee until I shop anyway!) Starbucks, here I come! I'm looking forward to a little Christmas shopping. I've studied the ads, made my lists and checked them twice, so to speak. I'm headed to Penney's for a few more of those great blankets to start. Have a great Friday!
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Beautiful Autumn Morning
I just love it when the heat comes on in the morning in early fall and there's that smell. You know, the one that smells warm and cozy. It's probably the dust burning off of the furnace but it has that smell that reminds me of when I was a child and getting ready for school. I remember getting ready on the bedroom floor next to the heat register. That was before the days of programmable thermostats and everyone turned their temps way low at night to save money. Brrrrrr. That smell always brings back those cold morning memories.
OK, just got another cup of coffee so I can keep going. I've done it again- I am addicted to my cinnamon coffee creamer again. It's almost winter, it's cold out and coffee is just so good in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, you know, just anytime. I'll work on my addiction in the Spring. My secret motto these days- why do today what you can put off til tomorrow? I guess it's a Fall thing, the motivation to work fades and I'm in more of a mood to clean the house and re-organize for the holidays.
I'll be putting up the Christmas tree next weekend so I have a lot of shifting and cleaning to do. Yesterday, I took my beloved13 piece Queen Ann dining room set to an antique shop near St. Louis to sell. It is from 1920 and a huge set. We were the third owners, having purchased it at auction in 1978. I wanted to sell it when I moved last year but didn't find time. I have no dining room now and it is a huge set and needs a lot of space. My last dining room was 16' x 20' and it took up every bit of the space.
For the last year, my dismantled 9' table was leaning against the wall in my hallway, the 6' buffet was in my kitchen along with my credenza, oak desk and table set, the china cabinet was in my living room along with all of my living room furniture, a book case and two curio cabinets. The chairs and leaves were scattered all over the basement. It was time to go. I know I'll move again someday but I don't plan to get a bigger house at this stage in my life. It's so empty here this morning! The hall is so big now!
I did do a drawing this morning and I was surprised at how many entered for the new quilt project patterns. There are two winners, chosen by my husband.
I also want to say thank you to everyone who faithfully reads the Blog and I'll also send one of the 4 x 4's to all of you who entered this past week. I'll be emailing you for your choice. Thanks for entering.
Oh, one more thing- I shopped at Penney's yesterday and got new blankets and, oh my goodness! I LOVE them. If you need blankets, check out the Chris Madden LuxPlush blankets. I'm having seven extra people for Christmas and needed a lot more bedding and there's no better place for bedding than Penney's. I had purchased their plush blankets which, by the way, are on sale for $19.99, any size, mind you! A great deal in itself.
Anyway, yesterday at the store, I needed a purple one (I am coordinating co
lors for my two new granddaughters- one loves purple and one loves teal, so what's a grandma to do?) and the only kind that had purple was the Chris Madden ones. I also got two new lap quilts for the living room in the same brand. Last night, I didn't want to leave the recliner and neither did Austin. The blankets were heavenly. It's worth taking a peak if you need some- they cost more but are so worth it. I hope this link works....
Nothing like a quick post ( I know, too late) Watch for an email from me on your choice of 4 x 4. Have a great week ladies!
OK, just got another cup of coffee so I can keep going. I've done it again- I am addicted to my cinnamon coffee creamer again. It's almost winter, it's cold out and coffee is just so good in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, you know, just anytime. I'll work on my addiction in the Spring. My secret motto these days- why do today what you can put off til tomorrow? I guess it's a Fall thing, the motivation to work fades and I'm in more of a mood to clean the house and re-organize for the holidays.
I'll be putting up the Christmas tree next weekend so I have a lot of shifting and cleaning to do. Yesterday, I took my beloved13 piece Queen Ann dining room set to an antique shop near St. Louis to sell. It is from 1920 and a huge set. We were the third owners, having purchased it at auction in 1978. I wanted to sell it when I moved last year but didn't find time. I have no dining room now and it is a huge set and needs a lot of space. My last dining room was 16' x 20' and it took up every bit of the space.
For the last year, my dismantled 9' table was leaning against the wall in my hallway, the 6' buffet was in my kitchen along with my credenza, oak desk and table set, the china cabinet was in my living room along with all of my living room furniture, a book case and two curio cabinets. The chairs and leaves were scattered all over the basement. It was time to go. I know I'll move again someday but I don't plan to get a bigger house at this stage in my life. It's so empty here this morning! The hall is so big now!
I did do a drawing this morning and I was surprised at how many entered for the new quilt project patterns. There are two winners, chosen by my husband.
They are: Jan from FL and Diane from MO
Congratulations ladies!I also want to say thank you to everyone who faithfully reads the Blog and I'll also send one of the 4 x 4's to all of you who entered this past week. I'll be emailing you for your choice. Thanks for entering.
Oh, one more thing- I shopped at Penney's yesterday and got new blankets and, oh my goodness! I LOVE them. If you need blankets, check out the Chris Madden LuxPlush blankets. I'm having seven extra people for Christmas and needed a lot more bedding and there's no better place for bedding than Penney's. I had purchased their plush blankets which, by the way, are on sale for $19.99, any size, mind you! A great deal in itself.
Anyway, yesterday at the store, I needed a purple one (I am coordinating co

Nothing like a quick post ( I know, too late) Watch for an email from me on your choice of 4 x 4. Have a great week ladies!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
What a Week!
It's late and I'm not sleeping yet (about 3 am.) I thought I'd take this opportunity to post since I've been so negligent on Blogging recently. The new patterns are pictured on the website at www.prairiegrovepeddler.com.
Houston Quilt Market & Festival were great but I'm so glad to be back home (and sleeping in my own bed). Two weeks away is a long time even though we spent most of it visiting old friends and my sister. Actually, visiting my sister is like going to a spa for a week. She has a beautiful home with all of the amenities of a great hotel. There's even a pool in the back yard if the weather is warm enough to enjoy it.
Last Thursday I had an outpatient surgery - it was uneventful for the most part and I slept for pretty much three full days afterwards. My only drawback is that I broke blood vessels in both eyes following surgery and I have to say that after 4 days, I still don't look very good with blood red and yellow eyeballs. It's kind of creepy actually! I feel very fortunate that things went as well as they did.
The good news, all orders have been shipped. The bad news, pattern #720 still is not ready. With all of the surgery stuff going on, I forgot to get the last project to my quilter Marilyn so it is not ready as of yet. Hopefully another week or so and I'll be shipping the rest of the orders for it.
This week, even though we're getting a late start, we'll have a drawing for the new 4 X 4's (all 4 of them).
Email me by this Saturday at midnight-
Put 4 x 4 in the title or subject line.
Include your name and full mailing address (to make shipping faster).
I'll draw two names on Sunday and post the names here on the Blog.
Possibly next week or the week after, we'll have a drawing for the new American Folk Art Series. I have to finish that last one first.
Houston Quilt Market & Festival were great but I'm so glad to be back home (and sleeping in my own bed). Two weeks away is a long time even though we spent most of it visiting old friends and my sister. Actually, visiting my sister is like going to a spa for a week. She has a beautiful home with all of the amenities of a great hotel. There's even a pool in the back yard if the weather is warm enough to enjoy it.
Last Thursday I had an outpatient surgery - it was uneventful for the most part and I slept for pretty much three full days afterwards. My only drawback is that I broke blood vessels in both eyes following surgery and I have to say that after 4 days, I still don't look very good with blood red and yellow eyeballs. It's kind of creepy actually! I feel very fortunate that things went as well as they did.
The good news, all orders have been shipped. The bad news, pattern #720 still is not ready. With all of the surgery stuff going on, I forgot to get the last project to my quilter Marilyn so it is not ready as of yet. Hopefully another week or so and I'll be shipping the rest of the orders for it.
This week, even though we're getting a late start, we'll have a drawing for the new 4 X 4's (all 4 of them).
Email me by this Saturday at midnight-
Put 4 x 4 in the title or subject line.
Include your name and full mailing address (to make shipping faster).
I'll draw two names on Sunday and post the names here on the Blog.
Possibly next week or the week after, we'll have a drawing for the new American Folk Art Series. I have to finish that last one first.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Quilt Festival Time

We've been here in Houston all week and it's been a busy time. Last week was the wholesale show- Quilt Market. This week is the retail show- Quilt Festival. It's hard being away for almost 2 weeks but sure is fun! Here's a pic of the booth we set up for Festival- well, half of the booth anyway. We have a double booth for Festival and we demonstrate Steam-A-Seam II fusible web. I've used it for 15 years ever since my Quilt Market booth was ne

My sister Charlotte helps me each year with Festival. We get to visit during the show and enjoy it. There's also a lot of shopping going on when we can get away.

I was reminded today that I met Gail Bird (Igolochkoy Punch needles) about 15 years ago also when across from her Quilt Market booth and we get to visit each market also. Gail's here at the show demonstrating Russian Punch needle. (WE miss you Ellen!)
Tomorrow is a new day for Festival so I better turn in. Good night from Houston!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Quilt Market
Well, we made it down to Houston with the new patterns and finally got them on the website. There is 2 new series- one is American Folk Art, six patterns of projects that can also make a quilt. There's also a series called 4 X 4's, four new patterns- 4 designs X 4 projects in each pattern. There are more 4 X 4's to come each month for a while. They are simple and quick projects with quick fuse applique. Check them out when you get a chance at www.prairiegrovepeddler.com. I'll have a drawing on the new ones when I return. I've seen a lot of old friends, gotten a lot of hugs and seen some new things that I can't live without. Does life get any better? I think not! Have a great week!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Crunch Time
I have about 2 weeks to go before I leave for Houston Quilt Market. I am working pretty much day and night to finish everything that I'd like to take with me but I can see that I may not get it all done. Procrastination. It's a word that I seem to know very well these days. Maybe it's my old age, but I just can't seem to get things done as fast as I used to. Go figure! I can go without sleep and end up with extra hours in each day but it's the organizational skills that seem to fade as the years go by. It seems like it takes me longer to get started on projects than it used to.
I do play a lot more than I use to also. I already have three grandchildren and I just got two more last weekend. They now range from an energetic one year old to an eleven year old bookworm who loves arts and crafts. I guess we can see where that is headed! I'm sure there will be a lot of crafting going on around here in the future. I also stocked up on vintage earrings for a "strap fest" with the girls in the future. They both love the shoes also so I got them each a pair. We'll post pictures when that happens.
This weekend I hope to have pictures of a few new patterns to show. I better go get back to work!
I do play a lot more than I use to also. I already have three grandchildren and I just got two more last weekend. They now range from an energetic one year old to an eleven year old bookworm who loves arts and crafts. I guess we can see where that is headed! I'm sure there will be a lot of crafting going on around here in the future. I also stocked up on vintage earrings for a "strap fest" with the girls in the future. They both love the shoes also so I got them each a pair. We'll post pictures when that happens.
This weekend I hope to have pictures of a few new patterns to show. I better go get back to work!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
What a Week!
I had so much fun this week. My husband's cousin Judy was in town all week and we did a lot of visiting and eating out. We also enjoyed a few good meals here along with pancakes and fruit smoothies. I know, they weren't on my diet, but I just had to cheat a little this week. I'll start back on the diet tomorrow. She's a grandma now and she made her first baby quilt one day while she was here and it turned out really sweet. I think she started about 4 pm and finished it around midnight. She went home yesterday.
Meanwhile, I'm back to Quilt 101 and trying to finish projects. My problem is that I start so many things and then have so many to finish. Quilt Market is about 5 weeks away and I'm determined to get all of these done by then.
The drawing was very interesting this week. This was the week to enter!
Everyone who went to the website and actually counted pumpkin patterns, whether correct or not, will receive a special package from me this week.
On last week's posting, I mentioned that if you went to the website and counted the pumpkin patterns, I would enter you twice. Turns out, the winner was entered twice. It is Trish from Canada. I'm also sending Trish a special treat, along with the quilt, for going to the trouble to count them! Congratulations Trish!
Meanwhile, I'm back to Quilt 101 and trying to finish projects. My problem is that I start so many things and then have so many to finish. Quilt Market is about 5 weeks away and I'm determined to get all of these done by then.
The drawing was very interesting this week. This was the week to enter!
Everyone who went to the website and actually counted pumpkin patterns, whether correct or not, will receive a special package from me this week.
On last week's posting, I mentioned that if you went to the website and counted the pumpkin patterns, I would enter you twice. Turns out, the winner was entered twice. It is Trish from Canada. I'm also sending Trish a special treat, along with the quilt, for going to the trouble to count them! Congratulations Trish!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
It's a Mystery!
Ok, I know, sorry I made you wait so long this week for the winners.
I'm supposed to be working on quilts but I took a little detour this weekend. First, my sister and niece came to visit yesterday. I had to clean extra special (don't you know) and make sure everything looked just right. Sarah and Grace were also in town and my son, his wife and 2 boys were also here. By the time they all left, I had to clean again! Go figure!
My sister was in a bad car accident about 3 months ago. She was hit from behind at full speed while stopped to turn and broke her neck among other things. She has a halo bolted to her head and neck and she's been sleeping in a chair for 3 months. She finally gets it off next week and I know she'll be so happy. This was her first trip in quite some time. I was pretty excited to have her come.
I started a baby quilt for Patrick a year ago and never finished it (I know, ~
holding my head low~ what kind of grandma am I? I ask myself that same question all the time!) Anyway, I decided today was the day. After all, little Patrick is almost 1 year old and he can now drag the blanket around with him everywhere he goes. Just in the nick of time, I say- err, I mean, I planned it that way! I have a few knots to tie and I'll be done with it. Nathan and Grace have one like it in different colors. No batting inside, just chenille, Minkie and fabric. It's so cuddly and soft.

I also started a toaster cover, coffee pot cover, mixer cover and table runner for my kitchen. They aren't near done but they're cut out and ready to sew. Maybe tomorrow. Seems like when you have company, it reminds you of all of the things you once started and never finished! Well, pillow covers are next. Remember when I bought the fabric for them? It's been a while so it's time to start them also before anyone else comes to visit.
I know I just decorated when I moved in 8 months ago but I'm already changing wall color. That will come next week. I'm on a roll to fit it all in between the quilting. I actually got up at 3:30 am this morning, sewed until 10am, got ready & went to church and back to sew after lunch. I think tonight I'll tie the baby quilt, photograph it for the Blog and take it easy. It's been a long day. I did have creamer today, in case you're keeping track. I can go days without sleep- if I have my beloved Cinnamon Vanilla creamer. It's a sickness, I know.
I have winners for the Mystery Drawing this week. They are
Cross Stitch: Jan from FL
Quilt: Ruth from FL (also)
Craft: Monica from AR
They each win 5 pumpkin patterns or charts in their category including my newest ones. Congratulations ladies!

Next week- the prize is a quilt. A Pumpkin Quilt, or a big ole pumpkin rag quilt to be specific. To enter:
Email me at PGPeddler@aol.com with OLE RAG in the subject line.
If you add the number of pumpkin patterns & charts that I offer (on www.prairiegrovepeddler.com , I'll enter you twice. Someone will win this quilt next Sunday, will it be you?
Put your name and address in the body of the email.
Entries without both are not considered.
I do not keep the addresses nor do I send unwanted emails of any kind. I don't sell the names. I just want them so I can send the prize out to the winner a lot faster. That's all. I promise!
Have a great evening!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Mystery Drawing Winner
Wow, there were so many entries this week. Amazing what the word "mystery" stirs up!
The prize: all 4 of my ornaments charts. Merry ChristMoose, Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Ornaments 2, and the brand new Snowman Ornaments. Charts for 16 different designs in all. That's enough ornament stitching to keep anyone busy this Fall!
I decided to pick 2 winners. Drum roll please-
The winners are Kimberly from GA and Janice from Spokane. Congratulations ladies, I'll be sending you each a package this week.
OK, this next week, it's more pumpkins! The biggest one is a whopper- about 12" across. They are all fabric and from my Pumpkin Patch pattern.
To enter, email me with "WHOPPER" in the subject line by midnight next Satu
rday night.
And very important- you must put your name and mailing address in the email. If you forget, you won't be considered for the prize. I'll chose one winner next Sunday. I'm thinking September will be pumpkin month so stay tuned. It's going to be fun.
The prize: all 4 of my ornaments charts. Merry ChristMoose, Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Ornaments 2, and the brand new Snowman Ornaments. Charts for 16 different designs in all. That's enough ornament stitching to keep anyone busy this Fall!
I decided to pick 2 winners. Drum roll please-
The winners are Kimberly from GA and Janice from Spokane. Congratulations ladies, I'll be sending you each a package this week.
OK, this next week, it's more pumpkins! The biggest one is a whopper- about 12" across. They are all fabric and from my Pumpkin Patch pattern.
To enter, email me with "WHOPPER" in the subject line by midnight next Satu

And very important- you must put your name and mailing address in the email. If you forget, you won't be considered for the prize. I'll chose one winner next Sunday. I'm thinking September will be pumpkin month so stay tuned. It's going to be fun.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Tweeting Nuisance & New Charts
Every time I try to tweet on Twitter, it tells me it is over capacity. SOOO, I haven't tweeted in a LONG time. Good thing I have a BLOG!
I just added 2 new charts on the website. I'll post pictures on here later. When you get a chance, go take a peek-
I just added 2 new charts on the website. I'll post pictures on here later. When you get a chance, go take a peek-
Look under Cross Stitch.
Look under Cross Stitch.
They'll be shipped to distributors in a few days.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Pumpkin Winner
I had another busy day and ended up with company that put me behind on blogging. I have been ironing for two days and I haven't gotten tired of it yet. I just love applique. I can't think of anything I'd rather be doing right now. I have so many new patterns to finish and I'm on a roll so I don't want to lose the momentum!
I went to my local fabric store three times lately and stocked up on yummy fabrics. I have to admit I am in the $500 club now for the week but it's needed for the new patterns. That's how I justify it anyway! I did a quilt series last year that went over very well and I'm working on another right now that is similar and having a blast. I'm also doing some smaller things and it feels good to sew and iron for a change! Next I get to hand embroider the detailing.
We do have a winner today and she actually has a birthday on Halloween! How cool is that? Lisa from FL will receive the three pumpkins from the drawing. I have more pumpkins so stay tuned for another pumpkin drawing before Halloween.
This week, we're having a "Mystery Drawing". I know, you think I already have it picked out but this is the way to have a drawing without preplanning anything! Just lazy this week I guess.
To enter, email me at PGPeddler@aol.com by Saturday midnight with "MYSTERY" in the subject line. Send your name and mailing address. I'll choose a winner on Sunday.
I went to my local fabric store three times lately and stocked up on yummy fabrics. I have to admit I am in the $500 club now for the week but it's needed for the new patterns. That's how I justify it anyway! I did a quilt series last year that went over very well and I'm working on another right now that is similar and having a blast. I'm also doing some smaller things and it feels good to sew and iron for a change! Next I get to hand embroider the detailing.
We do have a winner today and she actually has a birthday on Halloween! How cool is that? Lisa from FL will receive the three pumpkins from the drawing. I have more pumpkins so stay tuned for another pumpkin drawing before Halloween.
This week, we're having a "Mystery Drawing". I know, you think I already have it picked out but this is the way to have a drawing without preplanning anything! Just lazy this week I guess.
To enter, email me at PGPeddler@aol.com by Saturday midnight with "MYSTERY" in the subject line. Send your name and mailing address. I'll choose a winner on Sunday.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The Rose of Sharon
We have had the best weather the last few days- a preview of things to come this Fall. It's been overcast and cool and I just love it. We had 2 months of 90 temps before that so the overcast skies are actually kind of nice for a change!
The Rose of Sharon in my yard is blooming
and they are so pretty up close. The
tomatoes and cucumbers are producing more than we can eat but not enough to make juice this year. No zucchini on the vine and we have no idea what happened there! A couple of weeks and the tomatoes will be winding down. I must say I am looking forward to Fall but not looking forward to Winter (particularly driving in ice and snow) and one tends to follow the other. I think I'll enjoy my garden for now.

I'm back on my diet again and avoiding my beloved Cinnamon Vanilla creamer. I went a month without it before and I'm sure I can do it again. I've been a yo-yo dieter most of my adult life and I'm not about to quit now! I figure I'll diet for a month at a time and take a break so I don't feel too cheated on all of the good stuff that makes me gain weight to begin with. Hence, the name yo-yo. Maybe I should call my plan the "Over-weight ladies guide to effective yo-yo dieting for a lifetime of ups and downs" so far, so good, anyway!
Don't forget about the pumpkin drawing this weekend!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
We have winners!
There were two winners this week: Sheila from TN and Debbie from VA. WE actually drew a few names this week and believe it or not, there were NO mailing addresses included. What a shame. We ONLY take entries with the mailing address included- lucky for Sheila and and Debbie!
Thanks for entering everyone. We'll be sending out the new charts tomorrow.
I have been on ironing detail- literally all weekend long (except for church). I'm working on a few quilts- all quick fuse applique- and I'm surprised my iron hasn't burned itself out. I love applique though. I use Steam-A-Seam 2 fusible web and personally love it. I have done needle turn applique but I don't consider myself experienced enough to photograph any such quilt for a quilt cover. Once I get these originals done, I may try my hand at it again for a second quilt. Any tips are appreciated!
This week I thought I might offer something different in a drawing.
Three finished fabric pumpkins. It's almost fall and fall decorating is just around the corner, after all! These three finished pumpkins are from my #163 Pumpkin Patch pattern from 1998. It was a great pattern (oh, the memories!)
My husband had cut grapevine in our woods for the stems. Keepsake Quilting carried this pattern back then and even offered the cut grapevine for sale in their catalog. One week alone they called three days in a row and ordered 400-500 patterns each day. My husband was crazy trying to cut enough grapevine for the orders and it also had to be dried! I was trying to keep up with the patterns. Ahhh, the good ole' days! I still have a good sized box of gnarly grapevine stems to use.
To enter the drawing, email me at PGPeddler@aol.com, by midnight Saturday night, 8/21, with your name and MAILING ADDRESS included -please don't forget that part. I'll choose one name next Sunday and post it here.
Ok, back to my ironing board!
Thanks for entering everyone. We'll be sending out the new charts tomorrow.
I have been on ironing detail- literally all weekend long (except for church). I'm working on a few quilts- all quick fuse applique- and I'm surprised my iron hasn't burned itself out. I love applique though. I use Steam-A-Seam 2 fusible web and personally love it. I have done needle turn applique but I don't consider myself experienced enough to photograph any such quilt for a quilt cover. Once I get these originals done, I may try my hand at it again for a second quilt. Any tips are appreciated!
This week I thought I might offer something different in a drawing.

My husband had cut grapevine in our woods for the stems. Keepsake Quilting carried this pattern back then and even offered the cut grapevine for sale in their catalog. One week alone they called three days in a row and ordered 400-500 patterns each day. My husband was crazy trying to cut enough grapevine for the orders and it also had to be dried! I was trying to keep up with the patterns. Ahhh, the good ole' days! I still have a good sized box of gnarly grapevine stems to use.
To enter the drawing, email me at PGPeddler@aol.com, by midnight Saturday night, 8/21, with your name and MAILING ADDRESS included -please don't forget that part. I'll choose one name next Sunday and post it here.
Ok, back to my ironing board!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tomato Recipes
Susan in Colorado emailed me a great recipe today for tomatoes (from her daughter) and got me to thinking. I wonder just how many other great garden recipes are out there that I don't even know about? If you have a recipe that you love, please feel free to share it. I'm thinking I might send a newsletter (which I seldom do any more) and include the recipes.
My birthday was this week and I had such a great day.
My kids and grand kids took me out to Chevy's (Tex-Mex) for dinner.
I endured the Happy Birthday song and the sombrero on my head and ended up with the free dessert so it was a good time had by all. I did share the dessert with 3 yr. old Grace and 2 yr. old Nathan. Our 11 month old grand baby Patrick had been very sick for the last 5 weeks and lost a lot of weight, weighing in at just 17 lbs now. They finally got a diagnosis of an intestinal blockage and he's now on the road to recovery. It's so good to have three happy babies again.
Don't forget about the drawing this week. Enter by tomorrow night. I'll be drawing two names on Sunday for the new charts.
My birthday was this week and I had such a great day.
My kids and grand kids took me out to Chevy's (Tex-Mex) for dinner.

I endured the Happy Birthday song and the sombrero on my head and ended up with the free dessert so it was a good time had by all. I did share the dessert with 3 yr. old Grace and 2 yr. old Nathan. Our 11 month old grand baby Patrick had been very sick for the last 5 weeks and lost a lot of weight, weighing in at just 17 lbs now. They finally got a diagnosis of an intestinal blockage and he's now on the road to recovery. It's so good to have three happy babies again.
Don't forget about the drawing this week. Enter by tomorrow night. I'll be drawing two names on Sunday for the new charts.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Is it Fall Yet?
Man, it is so hot. We are having yet one more week of 95+ temps and heat indexes of over 105. Does it ever end? This has been such a hot summer for the Midwest. It is helping the tomatoes as we have an abundance of them now. I bought more bacon today for BLT's. I also bought another gallon of milk for home made ice cream. Yum. Can we ever really get enough? I think not. I am going to try peach ice cream this week, and maybe lime. I always like to experiment.
I gave in tonight and had coffee with Cinnamon Vanilla creamer. It's been four weeks since I had any so I think it's safe to say I am not addicted anymore. It sure was yummy but I think I'll drink it sparingly. I'm pulling a late night tonight as I do so often. I'm on a roll, as I like to say.
I went down to Memphis this past weekend to visit my mom and her sister and I took Sarah and Grace with me again. I just love it when they go. I tell you, Grace is such a good traveler. You'd think being 3 years old that she would have issue of being in a vehicle for 8 hours but she does so good. Normally the trip would take 6-1/2 but traveling with a 3 year old makes for a lot of stops! Other than many potty breaks, she pretty much plays, sings songs
and naps
the entire trip, each time we go.

We visited the duck pond again. I think it's Grace's favorite thing to do in Memphis. She feels like she has the duckies trained. She calls and they come running! It doesn't hurt that she has food to share also.
I decided to do a giveaway this week. I know it's been a while. Email me with your name and mailing address by Saturday at midnight and put the word "Memphis" in the title. I'll draw two names on Sunday. The winners will each get both of my new cross stitch charts.
Friday, July 2, 2010

We have had beautiful weather all week and it's hard to stay indoors to get any work done. The corn is tasseling and the tomatoes are growing. Ahhh, life in the country! My husband is finishing the brick trim around all of the landscaping, which is no small feat considering it goes all the way around the house and we have several beds in the yard also. He said now he isn't so embarrassed! He's a landscaper and a landscaper's yard should be the best looking in the neighborhood, don't you know? It does look pretty good! I got 5 new Hostas in back near my Impatiens and another burning bush planted yesterday.

Grace got her first ballerina jewelry box last night. She is so enamored of it with the dancing ballerina. I have a feeling the ballerina will be gone within a week but she's certainly proud!
I saw Twilight/Eclipse yesterday with Austin. Loved it. I'll have to go back and reread it now.
Monday, June 21, 2010
The Heat is On!
A full week of 90 temps coming up. Last week was the same. We sort of missed our Spring. We went from cold and wet to hot (and wet). A little fertilizer on the corn and tomatoes and we're in good shape. I counted 65 tomatoes on the vine so far. Yum! I know, you'd think I'd have better things to do than go count green tomatoes but it was exciting, none the less.

Grace had her first dance recital this weekend and despite
falling asleep on the way, she performed very well. The whole
group was as cute as could be! She's been singing and dancing around the house ever since. Sarah got her a peacock outfit at a garage sale and she is the princess, let me tell you. Tail feathers and all. She makes up her own songs and sings and sings!
Here's a picture
of Sarah and Grace.
My sister was in an accident this past week and broke a bone in her neck. She had a successful surgery and now has a halo bolted to her for 8 weeks. You'd think wearing a halo would make her feel like an angel but I'm not sure she feels quite that way. Keep her in your prayers!

Grace had her first dance recital this weekend and despite
falling asleep on the way, she performed very well. The whole
group was as cute as could be! She's been singing and dancing around the house ever since. Sarah got her a peacock outfit at a garage sale and she is the princess, let me tell you. Tail feathers and all. She makes up her own songs and sings and sings!
Here's a picture
of Sarah and Grace.

Friday, June 18, 2010
Just Another Hot Friday In The Summer
Another week has passed and I really believe the summer is going to be over in no time. The corn is growing, we have 56 green tomatoes growing on the vines so far and the flowers had to be pinched back already.
Tomorrow there's an auction at the next farm down the road. I told my husband we should go over there for lunch, you know there will be a hot dog stand! It's a funny story abut that farm really. They had an old huge white dog, probably a Great Pyrenees. He came over to our house on a regular basis and left his "special package" in our yard.
Every morning I would leave very early to go walk in town, and he would be laying somewhere along the road. The bad part, was that there was a sharp curve in front of his house, and that's always where he would sleep in the road. I kept thinking someone coming through that area would not slow down if they didn't know he would be there.
One morning I left about 5:30 am. He was laying across the center of the road (and he was huge) and I just happened to be watching for him. He never moved a muscle as I drove around him. I was sure he was dead, probably hit by someone in the night. I told my family about it and I felt so sad that day, I just wanted to cry. I was sure he had died. The next day my son saw him laying in the yard and I was sure it was where they pulled him to get him away from the road. I started looking every time I drove by and still didn't see him anywhere. Even my husband saw him laying in the yard and still I looked, not finding him.
Well, finally, I saw him after about a week, alive and well. I don't know how he did it, but he was the luckiest dog around. After that, every time I drove past him laying in the road each morning I just smiled, so happy to see him alive and well and thankful some someone didn't fly through there in the night and hit him.
They have since moved on, hence the remaining auction tomorrow. It's sad now for me really, that each morning, I don't have that sweet old white dog to watch out for. I miss him! I don't miss his gifts in our yard, but I miss him!
Tomorrow there's an auction at the next farm down the road. I told my husband we should go over there for lunch, you know there will be a hot dog stand! It's a funny story abut that farm really. They had an old huge white dog, probably a Great Pyrenees. He came over to our house on a regular basis and left his "special package" in our yard.
Every morning I would leave very early to go walk in town, and he would be laying somewhere along the road. The bad part, was that there was a sharp curve in front of his house, and that's always where he would sleep in the road. I kept thinking someone coming through that area would not slow down if they didn't know he would be there.
One morning I left about 5:30 am. He was laying across the center of the road (and he was huge) and I just happened to be watching for him. He never moved a muscle as I drove around him. I was sure he was dead, probably hit by someone in the night. I told my family about it and I felt so sad that day, I just wanted to cry. I was sure he had died. The next day my son saw him laying in the yard and I was sure it was where they pulled him to get him away from the road. I started looking every time I drove by and still didn't see him anywhere. Even my husband saw him laying in the yard and still I looked, not finding him.
Well, finally, I saw him after about a week, alive and well. I don't know how he did it, but he was the luckiest dog around. After that, every time I drove past him laying in the road each morning I just smiled, so happy to see him alive and well and thankful some someone didn't fly through there in the night and hit him.
They have since moved on, hence the remaining auction tomorrow. It's sad now for me really, that each morning, I don't have that sweet old white dog to watch out for. I miss him! I don't miss his gifts in our yard, but I miss him!
Monday, May 31, 2010
It's a Bloomin' Day

My Clematis is so pretty right now- it looks like a hundred blooms easily. When we moved in, it was dormant at the light post. We had no idea what color it would turn out to be. Now the light post is completely hidden by the purple blooms.
My Peonies continue to bloom even though it seems so late this year. Usually they bloom by

Today I'm going to play with new quilt designs and maybe see a movie later with my son. We've had Bar-B-Q's for two days and I'm ready for a change! Enjoy your day.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Sunday Evening
I had the sweetest emails this week from some of you and they really did help me feel better. I've noticed I don't get a lot of comments on this blog but I do get a lot of private emails and I enjoy them. Thank you for the well wishes.
I had a smaller number of entries this week for the drawing, probably a lot to do with a holiday weekend also, so I decided to let everyone who entered have the chart or pattern that was listed as your choice. If you forgot to tell me which title you want, and a few of you forgot, I will email you this week to decide. One of you forgot your address, oh my, but that to will be OK this time around!
Remember to honor the fallen soldiers and those who have served our country tomorrow during Memorial Day. The sacrifice to our country is felt closer to my home than many realize. I had a son-in-law who was killed at age 21 during Marine Recon Training in 2002. Please pray for our troops.
I had a smaller number of entries this week for the drawing, probably a lot to do with a holiday weekend also, so I decided to let everyone who entered have the chart or pattern that was listed as your choice. If you forgot to tell me which title you want, and a few of you forgot, I will email you this week to decide. One of you forgot your address, oh my, but that to will be OK this time around!
Remember to honor the fallen soldiers and those who have served our country tomorrow during Memorial Day. The sacrifice to our country is felt closer to my home than many realize. I had a son-in-law who was killed at age 21 during Marine Recon Training in 2002. Please pray for our troops.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The Sunday Evening Post
What started out to be a great week ended with a upper respiratory ailment. I guess I picked up germs on the grocery cart and here I sit out of breath and still coughing. The good news is, all I had to do all week was design. I really had a good time and designed enough quilts for a year. OK, maybe that's a exaggeration but I did a lot of drawing this week. I lost my notebook last week and never looked back. I now possess a new one. To clarify, that was possess a new book, not me being possessed, even though I'm sure I fall into that category on occasion. I am rearing to go now with some sewing. The bad news is, I don't feel quite right yet so I'll have to wait a little longer to get started.
I'll have two new cross stitch charts out next week so watch for them.
Sarah is recovering nicely and back at home. I've enjoyed the company and after a while, she was actually taking care of me! My garden is slowing down due to excess rain but at least I don't have to water it. We had 89 degrees today and a few more very hot days coming in the future so it should jump start the tomatoes. My Clematis is blooming (purple) and I have a vase of pink Peonies on my kitchen counter. I sure looks pretty around here. Sorry I don't have the energy to go snap some pictures. Maybe tomorrow.
I did promise a drawing this week and I don't want to disappoint. To enter, email me by Saturday midnight with HOT in the title. Include your name and mailing address. I'll choose 2 winners to receive the cross stitch chart or quilt pattern of your choice. If you want, go check out the website and include your choice in your entry email. That will speed things up if you win! Thanks, and have fun looking! www.prairiegrovepeddler.com
I'll have two new cross stitch charts out next week so watch for them.
Sarah is recovering nicely and back at home. I've enjoyed the company and after a while, she was actually taking care of me! My garden is slowing down due to excess rain but at least I don't have to water it. We had 89 degrees today and a few more very hot days coming in the future so it should jump start the tomatoes. My Clematis is blooming (purple) and I have a vase of pink Peonies on my kitchen counter. I sure looks pretty around here. Sorry I don't have the energy to go snap some pictures. Maybe tomorrow.
I did promise a drawing this week and I don't want to disappoint. To enter, email me by Saturday midnight with HOT in the title. Include your name and mailing address. I'll choose 2 winners to receive the cross stitch chart or quilt pattern of your choice. If you want, go check out the website and include your choice in your entry email. That will speed things up if you win! Thanks, and have fun looking! www.prairiegrovepeddler.com
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
New Week, New Adventures
I feel like last week my life was the "Perils of Pauline" so this week started off a lot better. Sarah is still with me and recovering nicely. We don't have to get up nights anymore. She still can't step down but she's got crutches and hobbles around. It's been fun having her hang out. We've watched a lot of movies together this week.
I never found the notebook but started a new one with fresh ideas, and it was probably time for that also. I can't wait to have some quiet time to get started on them. We've had a lot of family stuff going on this past month and I am getting more and more behind in work it seems. I've found that as I get older, I get less structured in my work routine. I play a lot more and spend more time with my kids and grand kids. It's the "future" empty nest syndrome I guess. My 15 yr old will be gone before I know it so I'm tying to savor each moment with him before he gets the "attitude". Thankfully, that hasn't happened yet. Meanwhile, the grand kids need attention also. I think I'll offer to babysit this weekend.
Sunday starts a new drawing so you'll have to check back to see what's offered.
I never found the notebook but started a new one with fresh ideas, and it was probably time for that also. I can't wait to have some quiet time to get started on them. We've had a lot of family stuff going on this past month and I am getting more and more behind in work it seems. I've found that as I get older, I get less structured in my work routine. I play a lot more and spend more time with my kids and grand kids. It's the "future" empty nest syndrome I guess. My 15 yr old will be gone before I know it so I'm tying to savor each moment with him before he gets the "attitude". Thankfully, that hasn't happened yet. Meanwhile, the grand kids need attention also. I think I'll offer to babysit this weekend.
Sunday starts a new drawing so you'll have to check back to see what's offered.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Where did the week go?
I don't know how that happens. One day it's Monday and you blink, then it's Saturday. How does that happen? My life is a blur. Sarah had surgery on her foot this week and she's been here for me to take care of. It's a constant routine- setting the alarms at 1 am and 5 am for pain pills and ice packs. She's doing pretty good but still in a lot of pain.
When I got up at 5 this morning, the water was running pretty fast. After checking it out, I found that the softener had backwashed at 2 am and never shut off. Great! I shutter to see the next water bill! We just bought the Culligan a few months back so I'm waiting for them to show up any minute. I actually called Culligan at 5 am this morning and someone actually answered, not a machine. That's service!
I have been working on new designs this week around caring for Sarah. I did spend a lot of the week searching. I lost my notebook with all of my drawings and notes for future designs. I take it everywhere and it could be anywhere. I ripped this place apart this week and still never found it. Heart broken, I started a new notebook. What's a girl to do after all?
I'll still keep my eye out for it but I started a whole new notebook with all new designs. Out with the old, in with the new. Today is another day.
When I got up at 5 this morning, the water was running pretty fast. After checking it out, I found that the softener had backwashed at 2 am and never shut off. Great! I shutter to see the next water bill! We just bought the Culligan a few months back so I'm waiting for them to show up any minute. I actually called Culligan at 5 am this morning and someone actually answered, not a machine. That's service!
I have been working on new designs this week around caring for Sarah. I did spend a lot of the week searching. I lost my notebook with all of my drawings and notes for future designs. I take it everywhere and it could be anywhere. I ripped this place apart this week and still never found it. Heart broken, I started a new notebook. What's a girl to do after all?
I'll still keep my eye out for it but I started a whole new notebook with all new designs. Out with the old, in with the new. Today is another day.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Welcome Weekend

We have a great old tree that fell at one time in it's life and the previous owners left it to grow sideways. We now have a

Other than that, I spent most of the week with family, making up for all of the time I ignored them when I was busy working in fabric. I did some babysitting and we had 2 year old Nathan over last evening just to hang out with us. It was a very good week. I guess I really needed a break.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Today's $40 Gift Certificate Winner
This week just flew by me so fast that I didn't have time to think about it. Yesterday we had a garage sale, you know all of that stuff I found when I moved, and had a huge turn out. WE started at 6 am and by noon, I'd gotten rid of most everything. My garage got a good cleaning and most of the boxes being stored there are gone now.
After the sale, I ran up to Anna's house. She's my Amish friend that lives about 30 minutes north. We sat and visited for a while. While I was there, she got an order for 30 dozen eggs so the rest of the time together, we counted eggs. She told me the story of when her daughter Ida Mae broke her leg this past Winter. I knew she'd broken it but I didn't hear all of the details until yesterday.
On Christmas, Ida was milking the cows and her cow stepped back on her leg. She crawled away from the cow and her husband helped pull her away from the rest of the cows. He had to hitch a horse to a buggy to travel to his mothers house to get help to get Ida out of the barn. He then had to travel 4 miles with the buggy to use a phone to call a ride to the hospital. They can't afford an ambulance so they had to find a driver who was home that day.
Unfortunately, once they got to the hospital in the nearest town, there were no surgeons due to being Christmas Day and they gave her pain medicine, casted her leg and told her to return the next week for surgery.
I just can't imagine the pain she endured for those hours between the actual break and the ER visit.
This is 4 months later and she can finally move around the house as she was bed ridden for months. I know she has small children and I know her life was tough for a long time and she needed a lot of family to come and help her. Even using the outhouse would be a major ordeal when you think about it.
The reason I even mention it is because I was thinking how good we have it today. We have indoor plumbing. We get our milk from the grocery store. We don't have to start a fire early in the morning just to feed the family. WE don't have to scrub the laundry by hand and hang it out to dry. We all carry cell phones and have access to emergency services. We have cars for transport. We are so spoiled today when you think of the way our grandmothers lived. My grandmother also used a wood stove for cooking and had a well for water plus an outhouse. I really have a new respect for technology and I'm so thankful I live now.
We do have a winner for the $40 gift certificate-it's Lynn from Nova Scotia. Congratulations Lynn! I'm going to skip this week since Sunday is Mother's Day and I know I'll be busy all day with my family. Watch for next week for an all new drawing. I plan to do a lot of planting flowers this week, I'll blog when I do!
After the sale, I ran up to Anna's house. She's my Amish friend that lives about 30 minutes north. We sat and visited for a while. While I was there, she got an order for 30 dozen eggs so the rest of the time together, we counted eggs. She told me the story of when her daughter Ida Mae broke her leg this past Winter. I knew she'd broken it but I didn't hear all of the details until yesterday.
On Christmas, Ida was milking the cows and her cow stepped back on her leg. She crawled away from the cow and her husband helped pull her away from the rest of the cows. He had to hitch a horse to a buggy to travel to his mothers house to get help to get Ida out of the barn. He then had to travel 4 miles with the buggy to use a phone to call a ride to the hospital. They can't afford an ambulance so they had to find a driver who was home that day.
Unfortunately, once they got to the hospital in the nearest town, there were no surgeons due to being Christmas Day and they gave her pain medicine, casted her leg and told her to return the next week for surgery.
I just can't imagine the pain she endured for those hours between the actual break and the ER visit.
This is 4 months later and she can finally move around the house as she was bed ridden for months. I know she has small children and I know her life was tough for a long time and she needed a lot of family to come and help her. Even using the outhouse would be a major ordeal when you think about it.
The reason I even mention it is because I was thinking how good we have it today. We have indoor plumbing. We get our milk from the grocery store. We don't have to start a fire early in the morning just to feed the family. WE don't have to scrub the laundry by hand and hang it out to dry. We all carry cell phones and have access to emergency services. We have cars for transport. We are so spoiled today when you think of the way our grandmothers lived. My grandmother also used a wood stove for cooking and had a well for water plus an outhouse. I really have a new respect for technology and I'm so thankful I live now.
We do have a winner for the $40 gift certificate-it's Lynn from Nova Scotia. Congratulations Lynn! I'm going to skip this week since Sunday is Mother's Day and I know I'll be busy all day with my family. Watch for next week for an all new drawing. I plan to do a lot of planting flowers this week, I'll blog when I do!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Rainy Days & Mondays
I'm sorry for not posting sooner but we have been really busy here. It's been raining for days in the Midwest, we had 7" of rain over the weekend. I do look forward to planting flowers but I think it might be a bit longer waiting to dry out. I do plan to hit the greenhouse this week for my extensive selection. I've made my list and I'm sticking to it.
Moving always presents new possibilities for flowers. My husband has made me numerous flower beds plus we have four gardens so far. He planted a field of sweet corn last week and plans to put in about 100 tomato plants. Can you tell we love tomatoes? I'll can a lot of them and we'll put up juice with the rest. I love spring!
We are almost finished shipping all orders from the Online Needlework Show. It was a great show and we got a lot of new customers. Thank you for your orders. We are down to three more orders to ship this week. All others are on their way. We had drawings each day during the show and gave away 32 charts in all. Four of our Blog readers won a new charts also.
I finished my fabric designing finally. Yeah! I sent it all off and now I can breathe. It's been such a busy month. I am doing two different lines and I'll share it with you as soon as I can. I have a long list of things to start now and I'm anxious to get going on them.
This week, on the Blog, I'll do something special in honor of Mother's Day. The drawing will be for a
$40 gift certificate
good for your choice of any patterns or charts listed on my website.
You can choose something special for your mom!
To enter for the drawing- email me at PGPeddler@aol.com by this Saturday- midnight.
Put "Gift" in the subject line and include your name and full address.
I'll choose one lucky winner on Sunday.
Moving always presents new possibilities for flowers. My husband has made me numerous flower beds plus we have four gardens so far. He planted a field of sweet corn last week and plans to put in about 100 tomato plants. Can you tell we love tomatoes? I'll can a lot of them and we'll put up juice with the rest. I love spring!
We are almost finished shipping all orders from the Online Needlework Show. It was a great show and we got a lot of new customers. Thank you for your orders. We are down to three more orders to ship this week. All others are on their way. We had drawings each day during the show and gave away 32 charts in all. Four of our Blog readers won a new charts also.
I finished my fabric designing finally. Yeah! I sent it all off and now I can breathe. It's been such a busy month. I am doing two different lines and I'll share it with you as soon as I can. I have a long list of things to start now and I'm anxious to get going on them.
This week, on the Blog, I'll do something special in honor of Mother's Day. The drawing will be for a
$40 gift certificate
good for your choice of any patterns or charts listed on my website.
You can choose something special for your mom!
To enter for the drawing- email me at PGPeddler@aol.com by this Saturday- midnight.
Put "Gift" in the subject line and include your name and full address.
I'll choose one lucky winner on Sunday.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
We Have Blog Drawing Winners
We have 4 winners in the Blog Drawing from last week. They are Beth from PA, Sandra from MD, Kerry from Canada and Vicki from CO. Congratulations ladies, you'll receive a new chart this week in the mail. Thanks for taking the time to view the Online Needlework Show. It ends today, in case you haven't had time to see it yet.
In the Online show, I also had winners for the daily drawings. They are Adriana from WI for Thursday, Lisa from NY on Friday and Saturdays winners was Felicia from MI. They each receive 2 new charts. Shops who have won so far are Cross Stitch treasures and Threadneedle Street.
In the Online show, I also had winners for the daily drawings. They are Adriana from WI for Thursday, Lisa from NY on Friday and Saturdays winners was Felicia from MI. They each receive 2 new charts. Shops who have won so far are Cross Stitch treasures and Threadneedle Street.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Sunday Evening News
I'm sorry for not posting before now but I ended up spending this week visiting my mom in Memphis and I just got back tonight. It was a nice visit but I'm glad to be home. Sarah and 3 year old Grace went also and Grace charmed everyone she met. She's quite the song and dance little lady. Her newest performance is Old MacDonald's Farm. We spent a lot of time at the lake feeding the geese and ducks near my moms. Her sister, my aunt Jean, lives down there also so we all got to visit and we took a few walks together. She's 88 and still does sit-ups and walks everyday. What an inspiration! I'm really tired tonight but have a lot of work to catch up on tomorrow so I can't rest for long. I took a lot of pictures but I'm too tired to load them so I'll post tomorrow.
We found a winner for the punchneedle design, it's Sheila from TN. (funny, I was just there!) The sad part is we chose someone else but the address wasn't included so we chose again. Please remember to include your address when you enter as it's the only way you'll win. Congratulations Sheila! I'll be sending the punchneedle design to you tomorrow.
I'll post the new contest tomorrow also so check back. Good night!
We found a winner for the punchneedle design, it's Sheila from TN. (funny, I was just there!) The sad part is we chose someone else but the address wasn't included so we chose again. Please remember to include your address when you enter as it's the only way you'll win. Congratulations Sheila! I'll be sending the punchneedle design to you tomorrow.
I'll post the new contest tomorrow also so check back. Good night!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
A Wabbit Winner!
Well, we had the drawing this morning, and you know what they say, the more you enter, the better your chances of winning! Our winner is Kathy from Louisiana. Kathy has been entering for a long time and has won before and believe it or not, she actually won a quilt the last time she won also! She is one lucky lady for sure. Congratulations Kathy!
This next week, there will be a new drawing. It is for a finished punchneedle design called #602 Spring Bouquet. I designed this one in 2004. It's framed in a white shabby chic frame.
To enter, email me by Saturday, April 10 at midnight. Put "Punch" in the subject line and include your full name and mailing address. I promise that I don't share your address with anyone, I don't even keep them on file. It just makes it easier for me to send the prize to the winner. I'll post the winner next Sunday.
I hope you all have a blessed Easter.
This next week, there will be a new drawing. It is for a finished punchneedle design called #602 Spring Bouquet. I designed this one in 2004. It's framed in a white shabby chic frame.

To enter, email me by Saturday, April 10 at midnight. Put "Punch" in the subject line and include your full name and mailing address. I promise that I don't share your address with anyone, I don't even keep them on file. It just makes it easier for me to send the prize to the winner. I'll post the winner next Sunday.
I hope you all have a blessed Easter.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Morning in New York
It's definitely less noisy in the early morning here in NYC. The rain has quit and we're expecting a sunny day. We thought about going to ABC News this morning but dragging our feet a bit. One good thing about NYC, there's a Starbucks on every corner!
WE are headed back to the fabric company later this morning and I can honestly say that it is such fun! To see an idea move into each stage and become fabric- I'm really enjoying it more this time. The last line I did was a few years back and I was learning. Not that I know everything now, but I know a lot more about what I want this time around. The new fabric line will be out next Spring. I'll post more about it later in the year. Nothing like being around a fabric company to get your creative juices flowing! Wow, you just can't imagine!
Well, off for coffee.
WE are headed back to the fabric company later this morning and I can honestly say that it is such fun! To see an idea move into each stage and become fabric- I'm really enjoying it more this time. The last line I did was a few years back and I was learning. Not that I know everything now, but I know a lot more about what I want this time around. The new fabric line will be out next Spring. I'll post more about it later in the year. Nothing like being around a fabric company to get your creative juices flowing! Wow, you just can't imagine!
Well, off for coffee.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Sushi in Soho

We've had a great trip so far. Our generous hostess Ruth and her husband were able to take us on a driving tour of New York City today. We saw the World Trade Center area. Here's a picture from across the Brooklyn Bridge of the construction going on.
We tri

We took a trip through the Bowery, Little Italy and Chinatown. We saw the old seaport, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. The rain finally stopped today so we finally got to dry the umbrellas. We stopped in Soho at the cutest little Sushi bar and had lunch. Yesterday we went to Mood, in the Fashion District, so today we checked out Purl in Soho. There has been a lot of shopping going on. I think we'll have to make a stop at UPS before we catch a plane home! Sarah's such a sho

We met my sister tonight for dinner at a quaint little steak house. Sarah got a martini and actually got carded. (She's 29). Funny, my sister (pictured) and I didn't get carded. What's with that?
I am exhausted tonight and have a full day ahead of me at the fabric company. It's really coming along though. I am truly blessed.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Rainy Day in New York

It was a good day today. We did a lot of work and a little bit of fun stuff. I am working on a fabric line for next year and we made the most of every hour today. We got out to walk quite a bit today also, despite the rain. We stopped a bought some umbrellas which seem to be abundant on the streets. For lunch, I got to experience my first falalfal, I got an African falalfal. I actually remembered to photograph it before I ate it. It was pretty yummy, a bit spicy but still yummy!
We shopped at a few fabric stores around the Garment District and shopped a few local souvenir stores today also, we're tourists, what can I say? Tomorrow we may do a little work and a lot of fun stuff. We plan to sight see in the afternoon and meet up with my sister tomorrow evening for dinner. As for tonight, we are beat. I think it's a good night to go to bed early, we may change our minds and go out though. Last night we stayed up until 1:15 am and tonight it's starting to show.
WE might to to ABC News in the morning of we get up early enough and it's not raining. It is very close, just a couple of blocks.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
We Made It!
What a great trip. The ice didn't deter us at all this morning. It was more slushy than not and a little slow going was all it took. The trip was basically uneventful except my speedometer went crazy on the way to the airport. I was driving along and passed a police man. As anyone would do, I looked at my speed when I passed- just in case. Oh my goodness, I was in shock to see it said I was going 95 miles per hour. Considering everyone was passing me, I got a little suspicious! Turns out, it is not working properly. Even at a stand still, it says I'm going 30.
Sarah got harassed at the airport by one of the "man handlers" as he said she had too many liquids in her bag. Who knew there was a limit on 3 oz bottles? It takes a lot of lotions and cremes to keep up her good looks so he obviously was clueless to that fact. We figu
red he just wanted the excuse to sort though her clothes which was pretty icky. Not too neat having your clothes rustled by a creepy guy.
We finally made it to New York, checked in and then hit the streets. It was a beautiful day today and with tomorrow bringing rain, we didn't want to waste any time. Here's Sarah at Times Square.
We found Planet Hollywood and enjoyed Cobb Salads. They make them so good there- all chopped real fine. I forgot to take a picture of them until we had eaten and by then, there was no point! For all of the Robert Pattinson fans, or Twi-hards as they are called, here is his han
d prints from Planet Hollywood. We watched New Moon today on the plane. I am Team Edward, Sarah is Team Jacob.

We saw Momma Mia on Broadway tonight, such a fun show. I'd seen the movie and we all know the ABBA songs.
I think Sarah became a fan tonight also! We hope to see the Riverdance later this week also at Radio City Music Hall. We'll see if it works out.
We were excited after Momma Mia- walking back to the hotel, there was a rush of police cars and we knew it was someone famous so we watched- turns out it was Michelle Obama. We didn't get a picture but there she was, riding down Broadway tonight, right in front of us with a huge police motorcade.
It's after midnight so I better hit the sack. Tomorrow's another adventure.
Sarah got harassed at the airport by one of the "man handlers" as he said she had too many liquids in her bag. Who knew there was a limit on 3 oz bottles? It takes a lot of lotions and cremes to keep up her good looks so he obviously was clueless to that fact. We figu

We finally made it to New York, checked in and then hit the streets. It was a beautiful day today and with tomorrow bringing rain, we didn't want to waste any time. Here's Sarah at Times Square.

We saw Momma Mia on Broadway tonight, such a fun show. I'd seen the movie and we all know the ABBA songs.
I think Sarah became a fan tonight also! We hope to see the Riverdance later this week also at Radio City Music Hall. We'll see if it works out.
We were excited after Momma Mia- walking back to the hotel, there was a rush of police cars and we knew it was someone famous so we watched- turns out it was Michelle Obama. We didn't get a picture but there she was, riding down Broadway tonight, right in front of us with a huge police motorcade.
It's after midnight so I better hit the sack. Tomorrow's another adventure.
All My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready To Go...
Reminds me of the song, Leaving On A Jet Plane. Looking out the window, I'm not so sure. We had snow yesterday and it froze last night. Then, we had rain all night on top of it and it looks like a nasty ice storm. The view from my window shows me no one person could stand on it, much less drive anywhere. I might have to delay my trip. (ugh) If I do get to go, however, I plan to Blog along the way. Could be interesting!
But on a brighter note, we have winners! The winners of the brand new Little Candle Mats are Karen from NC and Jan from FL.
The winners of the Quilt patterns are Joann from ME and Carol from MO. Congratulations to you all. I'll send them when I return from NYC.
No drawing this week but I promise there will be something special next week. I might post about it early so stay tuned.
But on a brighter note, we have winners! The winners of the brand new Little Candle Mats are Karen from NC and Jan from FL.
The winners of the Quilt patterns are Joann from ME and Carol from MO. Congratulations to you all. I'll send them when I return from NYC.
No drawing this week but I promise there will be something special next week. I might post about it early so stay tuned.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
We Got What?

Well, I know it's still March, but it has been 60 degrees all week. You kind of have to figure it's Spring when that happens. This morning we were supposed to wake up to rain but guess what? We woke up to SNOW! A very wet snow in fact! Very pretty though. There were about 30 cardinals in the yard, waiting their turns for the bird feeder. They really stand out in the snow.
Tomorrow morning I am leaving for New York City at 6 am. I promise to draw a winner and post as soon as I can. Forgive me if it's not until tomorrow evening at the hotel. We're staying in the Theater District. I am taking my digital camera and laptop so hopefully I can Blog along the way. Sarah and I are mixing a little business with some much needed pleasure this trip. My sister is coming up on Tuesday and we get to play some this week also.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
St. Patrick's Day

Today is St. Patrick's Day and this year Easter is only 2 weeks away. There's not a lot of decoration time in there so I guess I better get on the stick. I found these sweet little decorations and Grace just loves playing with them.
She is so fascinated with all of the little trinkets that I have sitting around.

My mother had a beautiful Lefton hobnail vase for years and about 7 years ago, she was going to sell it for a dollar at her garage sale. I just happened to be there helping her and grabbed it. I couldn't believe she'd sell that "family heirloom" for a dollar. Needless to say, that vase started an obsession for me (and a chance to practice hoarding).
Like any good Ebayer, I searched it and found more items that w
ere similar. I bought the Lefton books which showed even more items to match and I started making a list. It got to be a challenge to find just the right pieces. I searched Ebay and found a lot of pieces and scoured every antique shop I saw.

Over the years, I purchased dozens of Lefton vases, candle holders, powder sets, bowls, boxes and angels. Here's a picture of some of my collection. If it's in a glass case, it's considered a collection, right? Or am I still a hoarder?
Grace likes to look at all of the pieces through the glass. I have sold off a lot of pieces over the last couple of years just trying to condense the collection to what I really, truly like. I can' t seem to part with any of the others. I'll let my kids deal with it all someday! :)
After all, that's what our parents do, right?
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Carrot Hop Quilt Winner!
WE have a winner of the Carrot Hop quilt this week. It's Kim from GA. I had a lot of entries this week, so thanks to you all for entering. I'll offer another finished quilt before Easter so stay tuned.
I had company for dinner today- we had a turkey dinner with all of the trimmings and I had to wait until they left to Blog. Sorry for the delay in posting!
This week I'll offer the two new little candle mat charts for the drawing (see the pictures below). To enter, email me at PGPeddler@aol.com and put "LCM" in the subject line. Include your full name and mailing address. Only entries with both will be considered. There will be 2 winners.

For quilters, there will be a drawing for three patterns, #382, My Secret garden, #372 Summer's Song and #378, Cat's in the Cabin. To enter, email me at PGPeddler@aol.com and put "Spring" in the subject line. Include your full name and mailing address. Only entries with both will be considered. There will be 2 winners. Good luck everybody!
I had company for dinner today- we had a turkey dinner with all of the trimmings and I had to wait until they left to Blog. Sorry for the delay in posting!
This week I'll offer the two new little candle mat charts for the drawing (see the pictures below). To enter, email me at PGPeddler@aol.com and put "LCM" in the subject line. Include your full name and mailing address. Only entries with both will be considered. There will be 2 winners.

For quilters, there will be a drawing for three patterns, #382, My Secret garden, #372 Summer's Song and #378, Cat's in the Cabin. To enter, email me at PGPeddler@aol.com and put "Spring" in the subject line. Include your full name and mailing address. Only entries with both will be considered. There will be 2 winners. Good luck everybody!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Does It Get Any Better? I know, 2 blogs in 1 day? Who Knew?

I am babysitting for Grace tonight. I asked her if she remembered the name of my favorite doll, while she was playing with her and she yelled out "Bar-B-Q". Well, that's close and certainly creative but not quite. Her name is actually Pork and Beans. I know, it's not your normal name for a doll but I guess I was imaginative (and hungry). I told my friend Barb about it and we had a good laugh. Barb said, " and the family tradition continues!"
The Painting
When my parents got married in 1952, an attorney friend of theirs named Foster Clarke painted a picture for them as a wedding gift. The painting hung prominently in my living room for my entire childhood. Through the years, I used to lay on the floor in front of the painting and study it. I was mesmerized by all of the detail and the way he painted each item. I know absolutely that the painting was the single biggest reason I excelled in art in school. I always got A's in art and won many awards in contests for oil paintings and drawings. I
owe it all to Foster Clarke.
Well, you know my obsession for all of the things from my childhood by now and this painting is no exception. I treasure it and it has been in my living room for years, ever since my mom tried to get rid of it. My husband thinks it looks like a hillbilly house and no one else appreciates it like I do, imagine that! When we moved, my daughter tried to talk me out of putting it up (knowing full well how primitive it really is) but I held my ground.
It was a bit worn so Sarah thought she'd take it to Hobby Lobby for a freshen up job on the frame. Her only problem was, as she walked through the store, she slipped on a wet spot and fell right on the painting. Devastated, bruised and bleeding, she ran back to the framing counter and begged them to fix the painting, knowing how much it meant to me.
It's clean and so fresh that I almost didn't recognize it. It has a new lighter color than when I saw it last thanks to some careful cleaning from Hobby Lobby. She didn't tell me the story until today.
So, I now have a brand new, very old painting that I will treasure for my lifetime and they can sell it at a garage sale once I'm gone. So there you have it!

Well, you know my obsession for all of the things from my childhood by now and this painting is no exception. I treasure it and it has been in my living room for years, ever since my mom tried to get rid of it. My husband thinks it looks like a hillbilly house and no one else appreciates it like I do, imagine that! When we moved, my daughter tried to talk me out of putting it up (knowing full well how primitive it really is) but I held my ground.
It was a bit worn so Sarah thought she'd take it to Hobby Lobby for a freshen up job on the frame. Her only problem was, as she walked through the store, she slipped on a wet spot and fell right on the painting. Devastated, bruised and bleeding, she ran back to the framing counter and begged them to fix the painting, knowing how much it meant to me.
It's clean and so fresh that I almost didn't recognize it. It has a new lighter color than when I saw it last thanks to some careful cleaning from Hobby Lobby. She didn't tell me the story until today.
So, I now have a brand new, very old painting that I will treasure for my lifetime and they can sell it at a garage sale once I'm gone. So there you have it!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
So Many Entries, So Few Prizes!
I got SOOO many emails this week and a lot of entries for the oak basket. Thanks to everyone for the sweet notes. I wish I had a basket for everyone. I will, in fact, offer another oak basket soon but there can only be one basket winner this week. It was Barb from OR. The winner of the wool table runner is Marilyn from WI. Congratulations to you both. I'll ship them this week.

I finally finished a few little candle mats this week and got them photographed. Here's a sneak peak- this one is called Shamrocks. I know, a day late and a dollar short but better late than never, right?
I also have a bunny to release this week. I plan to send them to distributors later this week. I have several more to release next month during the Onli
ne Needlework Show. Now I have to get back to my new quilt patterns. Seems there's never a shortage of things to work on around here. Good thing I have good help.
This week for the drawing, I thought I'd offer a finished quilt. It's
called Carrot Hop and measures about 37" square. All you have to do to enter, is email me at PGPeddler@aol.com. Put "Carrot" in the subject and send your name and mailing address. I'll choose a winner next Sunday.

I finally finished a few little candle mats this week and got them photographed. Here's a sneak peak- this one is called Shamrocks. I know, a day late and a dollar short but better late than never, right?
I also have a bunny to release this week. I plan to send them to distributors later this week. I have several more to release next month during the Onli

This week for the drawing, I thought I'd offer a finished quilt. It's

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