The prize: all 4 of my ornaments charts. Merry ChristMoose, Christmas Ornaments, Christmas Ornaments 2, and the brand new Snowman Ornaments. Charts for 16 different designs in all. That's enough ornament stitching to keep anyone busy this Fall!
I decided to pick 2 winners. Drum roll please-
The winners are Kimberly from GA and Janice from Spokane. Congratulations ladies, I'll be sending you each a package this week.
OK, this next week, it's more pumpkins! The biggest one is a whopper- about 12" across. They are all fabric and from my Pumpkin Patch pattern.
To enter, email me with "WHOPPER" in the subject line by midnight next Satu

And very important- you must put your name and mailing address in the email. If you forget, you won't be considered for the prize. I'll chose one winner next Sunday. I'm thinking September will be pumpkin month so stay tuned. It's going to be fun.
Congrats to Kimberly and Janice!!