We have had the best weather the last few days- a preview of things to come this Fall. It's been overcast and cool and I just love it. We had 2 months of 90 temps before that so the overcast skies are actually kind of nice for a change!
The Rose of Sharon in my yard is blooming and they are so pretty up close. The tomatoes and cucumbers are producing more than we can eat but not enough to make juice this year. No zucchini on the vine and we have no idea what happened there! A couple of weeks and the tomatoes will be winding down. I must say I am looking forward to Fall but not looking forward to Winter (particularly driving in ice and snow) and one tends to follow the other. I think I'll enjoy my garden for now.
I'm back on my diet again and avoiding my beloved Cinnamon Vanilla creamer. I went a month without it before and I'm sure I can do it again. I've been a yo-yo dieter most of my adult life and I'm not about to quit now! I figure I'll diet for a month at a time and take a break so I don't feel too cheated on all of the good stuff that makes me gain weight to begin with. Hence, the name yo-yo. Maybe I should call my plan the "Over-weight ladies guide to effective yo-yo dieting for a lifetime of ups and downs" so far, so good, anyway!
Don't forget about the pumpkin drawing this weekend!
Love the Rose of Sharon. I have several in my yard. White with Dk Pink centers and Purple/pink. The hummers love them too.