We've been here in Houston all week and it's been a busy time. Last week was the wholesale show- Quilt Market. This week is the retail show- Quilt Festival. It's hard being away for almost 2 weeks but sure is fun! Here's a pic of the booth we set up for Festival- well, half of the booth anyway. We have a double booth for Festival and we demonstrate Steam-A-Seam II fusible web. I've used it for 15 years ever since my Quilt Market booth was ne

My sister Charlotte helps me each year with Festival. We get to visit during the show and enjoy it. There's also a lot of shopping going on when we can get away.

I was reminded today that I met Gail Bird (Igolochkoy Punch needles) about 15 years ago also when across from her Quilt Market booth and we get to visit each market also. Gail's here at the show demonstrating Russian Punch needle. (WE miss you Ellen!)
Tomorrow is a new day for Festival so I better turn in. Good night from Houston!
Your booth was beautiful!