Sunday, March 21, 2010

We Made It!

What a great trip. The ice didn't deter us at all this morning. It was more slushy than not and a little slow going was all it took. The trip was basically uneventful except my speedometer went crazy on the way to the airport. I was driving along and passed a police man. As anyone would do, I looked at my speed when I passed- just in case. Oh my goodness, I was in shock to see it said I was going 95 miles per hour. Considering everyone was passing me, I got a little suspicious! Turns out, it is not working properly. Even at a stand still, it says I'm going 30.

Sarah got harassed at the airport by one of the "man handlers" as he said she had too many liquids in her bag. Who knew there was a limit on 3 oz bottles? It takes a lot of lotions and cremes to keep up her good looks so he obviously was clueless to that fact. We figured he just wanted the excuse to sort though her clothes which was pretty icky. Not too neat having your clothes rustled by a creepy guy.

We finally made it to New York, checked in and then hit the streets. It was a beautiful day today and with tomorrow bringing rain, we didn't want to waste any time. Here's Sarah at Times Square.

We found Planet Hollywood and enjoyed Cobb Salads. They make them so good there- all chopped real fine. I forgot to take a picture of them until we had eaten and by then, there was no point! For all of the Robert Pattinson fans, or Twi-hards as they are called, here is his hand prints from Planet Hollywood. We watched New Moon today on the plane. I am Team Edward, Sarah is Team Jacob.

We saw Momma Mia on Broadway tonight, such a fun show. I'd seen the movie and we all know the ABBA songs.
I think Sarah became a fan tonight also! We hope to see the Riverdance later this week also at Radio City Music Hall. We'll see if it works out.
We were excited after Momma Mia- walking back to the hotel, there was a rush of police cars and we knew it was someone famous so we watched- turns out it was Michelle Obama. We didn't get a picture but there she was, riding down Broadway tonight, right in front of us with a huge police motorcade.

It's after midnight so I better hit the sack. Tomorrow's another adventure.


  1. wow what a fun day you had. I am soooo jealous can I be packed in your suitcase next time? hahah

  2. Glad you made it. Yes Mama Mia is great. I saw the musical in the Netherlands here a few years back.
