Sunday, December 27, 2009

More Christmas Winners!

We have more winners this morning:
For the 2 quilt patterns, the winners are Carin in the Netherlands and Nancy from MO.
For the Cross stitch charts, the winners are Rosalie from ME and Annette from Australia.
Congratulations and thanks to everyone for entering. I'll be sending those packages tomorrow.

This week's drawing will be snowmen. The weather is cold and we have snow on the ground, after 4 days of snowing I might add, so it seems appropriate.

For cross stitch: Chart #50, Little Candle Mat- Snowmen and Chart #29, Snowman Sampler. Just email me at with "SNOW" in the title. Include your name and mailing address.

For Quilter's: Pattern#317, My Snowman Quilt and #345, Snowman Sampler. Just email me at with "BRRR" in the title. Include your name and mailing address.

Merry Christmas.


  1. Such a darling snowman cross stitch and quilt. They look like so much fun. Thank you for sharing

  2. And Congratulations to the Winners.

  3. I can't believe I won last week. Thank you Cheryl for the opportunity to win your beautiful patterns. I am so excited.
