Sunday, July 31, 2011

Riding the Waves!

Have you ever seen anything so cute? I had a Praying Mantis on my antenna for about 10 minutes the other day. He was riding the waves for sure. He danced, he flew, he hung on with one foot, he prayed with his hands together, he spread his wings. He eventually made his way to the top and flew off. I was going really slow once I saw him so I didn't hurt him. It was quite the circus act though. I didn't know they grew so big, he was huge. He thoroughly entertained me during the ride.

Our 100 degree heat wave continues for another week. Hopefully fall is just around the corner. It's my favorite time of the year.

I'm up early this Sunday piddling in the office. I haven't cleaned off my desk for a week and it's getting scary in here. I know there's probably a bill under here somewhere that's getting close to the due date. Sarah and Grace are coming this afternoon to stay the night and we plan to do some designing together. She is pregnant with her 2nd child now and we are all excited about that.

The corn is in Ziploc bags the freezer thanks to my husband Keith. The tomatoes are growing but it's not the best year. We've had some but not nearly as many or as big as years past. Zuchini and cucumbers are producing profusely. Today seems like a BLT kind of day. We're trying not to use the stove or oven much these days with the heat index about 110. We had a little rain last night and the humidity level just spiked.

I've been working on graphics for my website for the last couple of weeks, you know, changing pictures and drawing up some new stuff. It's been fun and I can spend 8 hrs easy on graphics without even stopping for food. I'll let you know when I get it all on the site for viewing. I have a few quilt designs ready, just waiting for my fabric line to come in. Should be in the next couple of weeks. As soon as they let me, I'll post pictures on the Blog.

I think it's time for a drawing. This week, I'll offer a 3 needle Punchneedle and Punchneedle pattern of your choice (you can pick from my website). If you have never tried to punch, now's the time to learn for free! There will be one winner.

To enter, email me at by midnight next Saturday, 8/6/11.
Put "PUNCH" in the subject line.
Include your name and mailing address in the email (for faster delivery of the winnings).

I'll post the winner next Sunday.

Good luck-

Saturday, July 23, 2011

We're Having a Heat Wave, a Tropical Heat Wave.....

Just singing around the house these days, "we're having a heat wave, a tropical heat wave". Remember that really old song? Today it's supposed to be another 100 degree day for the Midwest. (Ugh). I'm having company this weekend so I'm up early getting laundry done and the house cleaning finished. It was too hot to do it yesterday. Got my pot of coffee and creamer so I'm good for a few hours. I'll have to take a nap later.

I've had trouble getting motivated to do much all summer. I don't know if it's the heat, old age, or whatever. I can't seem to Blog, Tweet, or sew. I hope it passes soon. Anybody else having motivation troubles?

I spent the week semi-working on a new quilt, I have the quick fuse applique pieces ironed and cut out, background colors chosen and everything laid out and ready to iron. All I need now is a day to put it all together. There's like 200 pieces in the quilt, 30 blocks in all, so it was no small fete. I like it so far. I love designing, playing with fabric and choosing colors.

My little 20 month old grandson broke his collar bone last week jumping off the couch. He's pretty active and fearless. He has a little brace on him to hold one arm to his chest right now. The trouble is, it leaves him off balanced and now he falls more than ever without a hand to catch himself. The other day while I was over there, he fell on the floor in front of me, and while gently crying and trying to catch his breath, he said "I'm OK". He's just so cute. I love my babies.

I got an email this week that I got another block included in the next QuiltMaker's 100 Blocks Magazine. So, this fall, we'll have another Blog Tour to be included in along with more giveaways. Still waiting on my new fabric line to show up for the new designs I have for Quilt market. Won't be long now.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Another Week Closer to Christmas

It is a scorcher today. I'm talkin' 96 degrees out there. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse. I am so looking forward to Fall. I have been fine tuning my new designs, expecting my new fabric most anytime. I will post it here just as soon as they allow. I have also been tinkering with my website. I think it's time for a change. I am always planning some change or another but this time I'm going to redo it quite a bit. I'll keep you posted but I think I'll start on it this week. I want it to be ready for the unveiling of my newest fabric line. Won't be long now.

I have been taking some evening classes, trying to finish my Bachelors of Science degree. I stopped school when I got married. I can tell you it's not the same going to college now as it was in the 70's when I went before. It is so much easier now. You have the internet, email, Word- which corrects everything, and even does your citations for you. I am really loving it so even if it is a bit of work.

What is everyone doing this summer?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Countdown to Fall

I don't know where my time goes but here it is another week. I blinked and lost an entire weekend again. Fall will be here before I know it. This past week I was blessed with 10 ziploc bags of blackberries from a neighbor. My husband is picking up 5 bushels of peaches from my Amish friend Anna on Wednesday. Some for us, some for friends. No ripe tomatoes on our vines yet but they're growing. The second corn patch has been planted. Summer is moving along. I am still playing with applique but have nothing worthy of a photograph yet. I do have 2 new ceiling fans in my office and studio thanks to my husband. It's hot flash season - again. ~sigh~

We had a small coyote pup in our garage yesterday, it was only about 12" long. Our miniature beagle had alerted us and cornered it. We had to tie up the dog and whoosh it out. It is strange to have one so close to the the house, especially in the garage. He was very happy to show us his teeth and let us know to stand back. Awww, life in the country. Last week it was a dead possum on the driveway (thanks to my beagle finding it as road kill and wanting to share the joy with us).

We had a great bar-b-q last night with friends and they read the Declaration of Independence.
I looked it up tonight and found this on the original signers. It's pretty sad at what they gave up for freedom. Here's the article if you want to read the whole thing.

Of those 56 who signed the Declaration of Independence, nine died of wounds or hardships during the war. Five were captured and imprisoned, in each case with brutal treatment. Several lost wives, sons or entire families. One lost his 13 children. Two wives were brutally treated. All were at one time or another the victims of manhunts and driven from their homes. Twelve signers had their homes completely burned. Seventeen lost everything they owned. Yet not one defected or went back on his pledged word. Their honor, and the nation they sacrificed so much to create, is still intact.

God Bless America. I hope you had a wonderful Independence Day.