Saturday, March 7, 2015

March News

Is it spring yet?
This has been the longest February in history.  January was nice, at least in the Midwest.  February was awful.  Snow after snow and really, really cold!  I got to the point of wearing my winter boots around the house as house shoes.  I think we are finally climbing out of it.  It's supposed to be in the 50's and 60's for the next week.  Bye bye snow.  Good riddance!  My yard is a mucky mess.

I just finished working on another fabric line and moving right into the next one as soon as I can. I have some family vacation stuff coming up and a family wedding in the near future then back to work on it.  We are starting seeds this weekend for the garden- a little later than last year but still reasonably on time for the garden.  I am ready!


  1. You look younger with the shorter hair! Very nice!

    Yes, I am too glad this winter is coming to an end. The last few weeks have been horrible with the snow and cold.

    Sandy A
