This week just flew by me so fast that I didn't have time to think about it. Yesterday we had a garage sale,
you know all of that stuff I found when I moved, and had a huge turn out. WE started at 6 am and by noon, I'd gotten rid of most everything. My garage got a good cleaning and most of the boxes being stored there are gone now.
After the sale, I ran up to Anna's house. She's my Amish friend that lives about 30 minutes north. We sat and visited for a while. While I was there, she got an order for 30 dozen eggs so the rest of the time together, we counted eggs. She told me the story of when her daughter Ida Mae broke her leg this past Winter. I knew she'd broken it but I didn't hear all of the details until yesterday.
On Christmas, Ida was milking the cows and her cow stepped back on her leg. She crawled away from the cow and her husband helped pull her away from the rest of the cows. He had to hitch a horse to a buggy to travel to his mothers house to get help to get Ida out of the barn. He then had to travel 4 miles with the buggy to use a phone to call a ride to the hospital. They can't afford an ambulance so they had to find a driver who was home that day.
Unfortunately, once they got to the hospital in the nearest town, there were no surgeons due to being Christmas Day and they gave her pain medicine, casted her leg and told her to return the next week for surgery.
I just can't imagine the pain she endured for those hours between the actual break and the ER visit.
This is 4 months later and she can finally move around the house as she was bed ridden for months. I know she has small children and I know her life was tough for a long time and she needed a lot of family to come and help her. Even using the outhouse would be a major ordeal when you think about it.
The reason I even mention it is because I was thinking how good we have it today. We have indoor plumbing. We get our milk from the grocery store. We don't have to start a fire early in the morning just to feed the family. WE don't have to scrub the laundry by hand and hang it out to dry. We all carry cell phones and have access to emergency services. We have cars for transport. We are so spoiled today when you think of the way our grandmothers lived. My grandmother also used a wood stove for cooking and had a well for water plus an outhouse. I really have a new respect for technology and I'm so thankful I live now.
We do have a winner for the $40 gift certificate-it's Lynn from Nova Scotia. Congratulations Lynn! I'm going to skip this week since Sunday is Mother's Day and I know I'll be busy all day with my family. Watch for next week for an all new drawing. I plan to do a lot of planting flowers this week, I'll blog when I do!