Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Do We Have To Take The Tree Down?

Christmas is over and it seemed to float by too quickly as usual. I cooked without ruining anything for a change, we ate a lot, we played even more. It was slow paced and easy this year. The grand babes had a great time and have a whole new selection of toys to choose from for the coming months. Everyone loved their quilts I made them and the boys are snuggling with theirs in bed already. I wish I had taken pictures but I never have the camera next to me when I need it.

I got wonderful box of chocolates from Benartex this year and everyone at my house has been enjoying them. I made lots of cookies but sent them home with everyone so I'm free from temptation! Let the diet begin.

My sister and husband were here for 4 days and we all had a great "adult" time when the grand babes weren't here. My husband and I especially enjoyed the blissful quiet time once everyone left. The house was once again silent, well, except for Toto and her morning conversation voice. She's very chatty in the morning! It's like she wants to catch up on all those hours she didn't see us during the night.

It's time to start thinking about work again, after taking a few days off. I guess I'll spend the week working on designs and ordering fabric. I could use a day to clean my desk also! Amazing how fast it fills up. There might be something important under there, after all!

How was your Christmas?

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, Your Christmas sounds very nice. Enjoy the quiet while you can. We had a great, noisy, fun and family filled Christmas for the first time ever. It was wonderful.
