Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

I hope you are enjoying a blessed Easter Day.

He is not here, but is risen:  Luke 2:6

I just got back late from Memphis last night, after visiting my mom, and slept too late this morning for the sunrise service.  I hate when that happens! 
It's been a great week though and most productive.

The vegetable garden is half planted already, just praying we don't have a hard freeze anymore this year.
My flowers are waiting on the deck for the perfect timing to plant.
We still have a few tender plants waiting for warmer days but things are looking great around here.  My husband put in a new brick and stone patio last week off the deck and we are going to add some planting beds around it.  I am ready for some bar-b-ques this spring.
Next is a sand box for the grand kids. We hope to find a way to cover it due to the neighbor's cat.  I grew catnip last year near the deck and kitty has been a frequent visitor ever since.

I am working on another new fabric line this week and hope to send it off by next weekend.  
I am motivated! Harvest Song just came out and I have another new line coming out this fall.

We have a winner today for the Harvest Song fabric panel.  The winner is

Marilyn F. from WI.  

Congratulations Marilyn.  I will be sending you the panel this week.

I just brewed some tea and I'm headed for the freezer to pluck a few frozen peaches out to add to it. 
Peach tea and a good book.  What a wonderful day! 

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Harvest Song Week #3 Winners

My flats of tomatoes are all on the deck hardening off before planting in the garden.  We are expecting another freeze this week so they will be coming inside another night or two before that happens.  The garden is getting closer and I can just taste fresh tomatoes.  I've been transplanting everything into larger pots and all my seedlings are growing. 

Wow, we had so many entries this week that I decided to draw two names.  The winners are:
Linda D. from UT
Wanda L. from NC
Congratulations ladies, I will be sending you fabric bundles this week.

Next week is the last drawing for the Harvest Song fabric panel.
So, here's what you do for the Week 4 :

1. Email me at before next Saturday night, April 19, at midnight central time. If you are not sure of this time zone, make sure you email before Saturday.

2. In the Subject LINE of the email put HARVEST SONG.
This is very important.  ALL emails without this exact wording are not considered for the drawing.

3. In the BODY of the email- put your name and mailing address.

WE do not share this info with anyone, in fact, we delete them after the drawing.  This just makes it faster to ship the fabric TO YOU. If you win, we only post your first name, last initial and state for privacy reasons.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Harvest Song Week 2 Winner

 Sorry to be late this week but I had a stomach bug and couldn't get out of bed for a few days.  Thank goodness for my Netbook or I would be even more behind.  Unfortunately, I got the bug my grand babies had when I was watching them last week.  ~~sigh~~

We have a winner for Week #2 in the drawing for a little bundle of Harvest Song fabrics.  

The winner for Week #2 is Donna B. from IL.

Next week is a new drawing for the last bundle.  Week 4 is for the panel.
So, here's what you do for the Week 3 (another bundle of fat quarters):

1. Email me at before next Saturday night, April 12, at midnight central time. If you are not sure of this time zone, make sure you email before Saturday.

2. In the Subject LINE of the email put LEAVES.
This is very important.  ALL emails without this exact wording are not considered for the drawing.

3. In the BODY of the email- put your name and mailing address.

WE do not share this info with anyone, in fact, we delete them after the drawing.  This just makes it faster to ship the fabric TO YOU. If you win, we only post your first name, last initial and state for privacy reasons.