Happy Mother's Day coming up. The weather has finally turned around in the mid-west.
Flowers, veggies, house cleaning, oh my! It has been so busy around here. I am repainting half of the house and spring cleaning the other half. It's such a good feeling and I am on a roll so I don't want to slow down now. I can also see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm just about done. I guess I won't have anything else to do then but go back to work afterwards, imagine that?
My grandson is in T-ball and had his first game tonight. It was quite entertaining! Nathan was the first baseman and every time the other team hit the ball, he took off running to second base. He just couldn't get it that he had to stay at first! He wanted to run. Three year old Patrick took a spill into the only mud puddle around. He was screaming, covered in cold, wet mud. His mommy was covered also after a big hug to calm him.
My grand daughter Grace just took me to a Mother's Day Tea last week. They preformed and we all had tea and cookies! Grace plays t-ball also but I haven't been to her game yet. I hopped down to Memphis for the weekend to see my mom. I endured the driving rains all the way home. The Memphis area is just as flooded this year as it was two years ago with the big flood.
My 18-year old just graduated from high school. It's a relief on one hand, but a sad thought on the other. I am not looking forward to being an empty-nester. Life just goes too fast!