Our snow finally melted and good riddance! I am so longing for a garden this year. This winter seemed to go on forever. It's probably the fact that it was so mild for months and then the snow started in February. I am more ready than ever for my garden. I started tomatoes, cucs, zuchini, butternut squash, green peppers, hot peppers, lettuce, romaine, and brussel sprouts in flats spread across my living room windows. I added a few more flats of herbs and flowers and now there's a regular greenhouse in there. It'd be nice to get them in the garden but there's another frost expected tomorrow night. I bought some pink clematis and a couple of trellis'. We are going to power wash the deck and put a finish on it then I'll be ready to attach the planters along the rails.
The gold finch are back and I guess it's time for the hummingbirds so I need to get those feeders out and filled. It's hard to get into designing as there's so much to do around the house. It's a spring cleaning kind of thing I guess. Last week we took all of the screens off and washed them and the windows. I love it when the house is really clean!
I'm planning to paint the kitchen and the master bedroom in a few weeks. I just can't seem to get out of the spring cleaning mode. I am not going to quilt market in Portland- I just didn't get anything finished. Maybe it's my old age but I am enjoying playing (and cleaning) a bit more these days.
I got some new planters and I am wanting to paint them so they all look similar. I found glow in the dark paint which I'm thinking about using. It goes on white(ish) but looks green at night after it soaks up the sun. Sounds fun, huh? I don't know if it will actually glow but my patio furniture is green so it should fit in. Anyone used it?