I'm almost done with the two newest 4 X 4- one called "Flowers" and the other is called "With Love". Each of the patterns includes 4 designs X 4 projects. They are really fun to make and small little simple projects. These are pictures from "4 X 4 Flowers"-
I am down to photography now and then off to the printer wit

I usually lock myself in my studio for a few days when I initially work on fabric but I haven't had the chance this time around. I've been trying to help out with my two grandsons lately as their momma has been so busy. They are so fun and I have really enjoyed all of the nana time together.
I'm feeling a fabric designing lock down coming this afternoon in the studio but I thought I'd make a challenge today first.

Do you know how many years I've been in business? hint- the answer is on the website somewhere!
If so, email me at PGPeddler@aol.com before next Saturday at midnight. Put "Years" in the subject. Put the answer in the email with your name and mailing address. I will draw one name from the correct answers. The winner will receive a new tapestry craft bag (filled with lots of zippered compartments for storage). I purchased a few of these to use for drawings. They are so cool!
By the way, we have recently updated the entire website with new, clearer pictures. We also added a few more patterns. There's new craft patterns pictured also. Take a look when you get a chance!
Now, off to lock the door!