Saturday, August 24, 2013

Another Hot Day

 I put up more pickles, hot peppers and salsa this week and as we speak, I have another counter full of ripening tomatoes.  I've got my pork roast in the crock pot and I have to say it's a great recipe with 2 cans of  Dr. Pepper added.

The recipe includes an onion, 2 cloves of garlic, dry mustard, cayenne pepper, 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar, and Worcestershire sauce. It is absolutely the best bar-b-q.

I got a few more of the digital designs done this week and listed them on Etsy.  I have had so much fun doing these and printed a lot of them just for myself.  Last week I listed instant downloads of the apples, bluebirds, cows, flower pots, pineapple, roses, patriotic stars, and watermelon designs.   I just listed pumpkins, bees, pigs and cats today.

There are twelve different paper designs on there so far.  See them all on the Etsy site HERE.

I figured I'd better get the pumpkins up here, after all, it's almost pumpkin time!  I'm in the mood to decorate for fall even though it's 95 degrees out there today.   It won't be long and we'll all be cutting back the gardens to prepare for winter.  Sad.

1 comment:

  1. You've been busy!
    The Pumpkins are cute!
    I feel like Fall decorating also, even though today and tomorrow is going to be in the 90's UGH!
    It's just something about Fall and Pumpkins. :)
